HYPERION Vivaldi Recorder Concertos

"HELIOS" Vivaldi Recorder Concertos

Antonio Vivaldi , Parley of Instruments Audio CD 
No. CDH 55016-B

Release (August 10, 1999)

     " This is a high quality CD from the well-known Helios label and would make an interesting addition to any classical music collection. The biggest weakness of this CD is that it is non-stop recorder concertos which are somewhat "bright" musically and after a while this can get a bit wearing. Having said this, the CD gets extra marks in my book because it remains consistent in style and purpose from start to finish. The production is nicely done, allowing the listener to hear the intimate details of Peter Holtslag's recorder playing. Overall this appeals as something different and also well performed and presented.  "                                   

By Chris (Australia) 
 LINK  [ape + cover booklet pdf]  

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